Scholarship Essay Contest
Who wants to win some money? What would you do with $700? Are you the next George R. R. Martin or J. K. Rowling? Put your writing skills to the test and you could win big! is calling all students to show their literary genius, get published and win big! Your opportunity to win a cash scholarship is here, ready and waiting for you. Have no fear, put away your doubts because you don’t have to be an advanced writer to qualify. Grab your computer and let your imagination run wild onto those pages. This is your chance to make your creativity and imagination get the best of you. Still in doubt? Have some question for us? Check below for some answers.
Scholarship Essay Details and Frequently Asked Questions
When is the deadline for scholarship essay submission?
- All scholarship essays must be sent by August 9, 2025
- No entries will be accepted after this date.
Where or how can I submit my completed scholarship essay?
- All scholarship essay submissions must be sent via email to [email protected] as a Microsoft Word attachment. Any essay sent in the body of the email will automatically be disqualified.
- Submit the following information at the top of your essay: your full name and your email address. Scholarship essays that do not have this information at the top will not be accepted.
Is there a word limit for the scholarship essay?
Essays should be between 500 – 700 words in length.
Who are the reviewers for the scholarship essay contest?
An experienced group of English teachers and editors will review and judge the essay submissions. Prior to submission for review, your name will be redacted to allow them to review the scholarship essay anonymously, thus ensuring an impartial and just review for all entries.
How many winners will be chosen for the scholarship essay writing contest and what are the prizes for each winner?
The judges will score and rank the top three winners, who will then be awarded as follows:
- First prize – $700 scholarship
- Second prize – $500 scholarship
- Third prize – $300 scholarship
How and when will the winners of the scholarship essay contest be announced?
- ConfidentWriters Scholarship Contest representative will notify the top three winners via email by August 17, 2025.
- A congratulatory message with the names of these winners will also be published on ConfidentWriters website and its corresponding social media channels.
ConfidentWriters Scholarship Essay Contest Guidelines
Are you excited yet? The fun is about to start. Here we have a list of tantalizing topics for you to review. Choose your favourite and make sure you include the topic number along with your name and email address at the top of your essay. For example, make sure you submit in the below format:
Name: John Doe
Email address: [email protected]
Topic: #3
Are you drowning in anticipation as yet? Do you want to hear what the topics are? Here they are:
TOPIC 1: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Everyday Life: Benefits and Challenges
TOPIC 2: The Impact of Volunteer Work on Community and Personal Growth
TOPIC 3: The Role of Family Support in Academic Success
All submissions are winners as it takes courage and great talent to write these essays. Regardless of the end result, all our writers are commended for their effort. So, we encourage you to be fearless and have fun with your scholarship essay. Good luck to you all!
Finished Contests
Scholarship Essay Contest (September 2017 – March 2018)
Scholarship Essay Contest (March 2018 – September 2018)
Scholarship Essay Contest (September 2018 – April 2019)
Scholarship Essay Contest (April 2019 – January 2020)
Scholarship Essay Contest (January 2020 – August 2020)
Scholarship Essay Contest (August 2020 – August 2021)
Scholarship Essay Contest (August 2021 – August 2022)
Scholarship Essay Contest (August 2022 – August 2023)
Scholarship Essay Contest (August 2023 – August 2024)